Tuesday, March 11, 2008

FIT3047 third week

In the previous week, our group has making a rapid progress to our IE assignment, we have been able to setup the facebook blog which allows all the members to communicate including me who wasn't too familiar with the website, now i have been updating the progress of the team daily. i was appointed as a senior documentor to the team, which was a previlage, this week we have been working on the standard and governance, the members of the team has been making comments and discussing issues regarding the document on facebook.
we had a few meetings each week, on the tuesday session our team was able to discuss the issues and needs to improvments needed to our documents, luke our team leader has discussed the new addons to our document which we are required to understand, and our team members were required to think of anychanges that should be made to the document. the standard and governance are scheduled to be due this friday, but i think our team is making a rapid progress in this particular document, i have put my bits in by making suggestions to what should be done and not, but my main role should be coming in later on.

1 comment:

Christine Cladakis said...

Danny, our team leader is Ben lol, maybe just a mistake when you wrote luke hehe.